
sagar tate

Data Scientist | NLP | Open AI Assistant | GPT-4 | LORA|ChatGPT | LLMs

Joined Jul 24 2024


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Machine Learning


Hindi - हिन्दी
Marathi - मराठी


Data Scientist | NLP | Open AI Assistant | GPT-4 | LORA|ChatGPT | LLMs

I am a 5-year experienced data scientist with a strong background in machine learning, statistical modeling, and data analysis. I have a proven track record of designing and implementing data-driven solutions for a wide range of applications, from predictive modeling and natural language processing to computer vision and anomaly detection. Some of my key strengths and skills include: ✅ Successfully Completed Projects: 1. Text Classification, Document Classification 2. Sentiment Analysis, Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis 3. Custom Named Entity Recognition 4. Question Answering System 5. Topic Modeling 6. Extract product specifications from product descriptions using GPT-3 7. GPT-3 for intent detection. 8. GPT-3 for writing personalized emails. 9. GPT-3 Prompt design, GPT-3 prompt engineering, Fine-tuning GPT-3 Skills: Languages: Python, TypeScript, SQL. ML Libraries: Pandas, Scikit learn, Spacy, Tensorflow, , Pytorch, Transformers Machine Learning (Classification, Regression, clustering, Decision Trees, K-Means Clustering, hierarchical clustering), Deep Learning (DNN, CNN, RNN, Transfer learning, AlexNet, LeNet, VGG, Resnet, Inception, MobileNet, YOLO, Transpose CNN, U-Net, LSTM, LLM, GenAI, RAG), Statistical Methods (Predictive analysis, Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals, Principal Component Analysis, LDA and Dimensionality Reduction), Programming Languages and tools (Python, Java, HTML and CSS, TypeScript, Tailwindcss, Nextjs), Version Control Tools (Git), Python Libraries (Sklearn, Scipy, Statsmodel, Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Selenium, BS4, NLTK, TensorFlow, Keras, shap, Boto3, Flask, FastAPI, Streamlit), Scripting Language (Unix), Database Language (SQL), Data Reporting Tool (Excel, GCP Data Studio), Cloud Tools (AWS (Bedrock, lambda, RDS, EC2, sagemaker, s3, Lex), GCP (Bigquery, Dataproc, Dataflow, Vertex AI, cloud SQL, etc.))

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